Working Smarter Café Podcast

Untangling Internal Job Transfers in UKG Pro

Your UKG Podcast Team

Internal job transfers start simple — the employee is already in your UKG Pro solution after all; how hard could it be? However, working multiple jobs, transferring from one company to another, and other complications can come into play and complicate the process. In this episode, we make sure that transferring roles within a company stays simple.

After listening, follow the links below for further details on the process.




Hi everyone and welcome back to the Working Smarter Café. I’m your host, Savannah Guenthner, and today we’re delving into the internal job transfer process in the UKG Pro solution. At first sight, it seems like a straightforward situation. One of your current employees receives a promotion or applies to a job in a different department. But if you throw in the possibility of splitting time between two jobs that require different codes, international moves, and other complications, things can get a bit chaotic. Don’t worry. We’re here to help smooth out some of those rough edges.

[Intro Music]

The first scenario we’ll cover is the simplest, promoting an employee. To change an employee’s primary job, from your Pro solution, open the employee’s summary page. There, you’ll have the option to update their job code. You’ll also be prompted to update their supervisor, pay, and other details that come with the new role. The change can be set to go into effect at any time, meaning you can have your employee finish out a week or even set the change for a month in advance for instance.

The next scenario involves employees holding multiple roles within the same parent company. While maintaining the same primary job, you can assign one or even a few other roles to an employee. For example, a restaurant manager who also takes up shifts as a host and a waiter. From the employee’s summary page in Pro, first ensure that the employee is assigned to the correct job group, and then pick any applicable job options for the employee. Job groups are defined by you, so the groups and the jobs that fall under them are unique to each company. The employee’s primary job in the scenario I mentioned could read, for example, “General Manager,” and you can add as many secondary jobs as you’d like from there. Each added job will prompt you to fill in characteristics such as start date, pay, and more, making it easy to customize according to your needs.

The third scenario covers a lot of ground, literally. Transferring companies to leave one company and become active in another can feel like a big step. Whether your employee is moving from a job under one company to another within the same parent company, in the same location or across the globe, the process is very similar. Select the Transfer Employee Wizard in your Pro solution to guide you through moving an active employee from one company to another within the same holding company. You’ll then pick out a transfer date, and the system will automatically assign a new employee number to go into effect at that time. Some aspects such as benefit and PTO plans may transfer as well depending on your settings, but you’ll be prompted to configure any details that don’t transfer such as their new title, pay, and location. Once the transfer is complete, the employee’s status at the old company will show as “terminated,” and all previous job information will be retained.

To complete a multi-company hire, pull up an active employee’s profile in a separate window to refer back to. Then, in the original search page, open the Transfer Employee Wizard in Pro to find the “Things I Can Do” options. You’ll be able to add an employee who is a new or rehire from here. Select the option that best suits your needs, and then refer to the active employee profile page for the employee’s number. Once the employee is successfully selected, enter their second company and any additional information about their role. You can repeat and add further roles at additional companies as needed.

Rehiring is easy when bringing an old employee back under the same parent company they once worked for. Search for the employee’s name on your list and notice that they are currently listed as “terminated.”  Open their profile, and you’ll find multiple Wizards you can use to rehire the employee under “Things I Can Do.” Pick out the one that best fits your employee’s circumstances and follow the prompts to fill out the same or new company and role information for the rehired employee. During the rehiring process, the system will alert you of the employee’s reason for termination so you can stay informed of their rehire eligibility. For all the options discussed today, you can set a specific date for the change to go into effect.

Our work and lives are fast-paced and don’t always fit into a neat box. If you have a complex job transfer situation that’s still stumping you, we recommend visiting the UKG Pro HR & Benefits group in the UKG Community. There you can ask other HR professionals how they’ve managed similar situations.

You can also submit an “idea” to the UKG Community if you recognize a way to potentially improve your experience with the UKG Pro solution. The “Ideas” page where you can do this lives in UKG Community; first login, then select the “Explore” tab near the top of the page, and finally select “Ideas.” Here you’ll be able to submit your idea, explore other idea submissions, and upvote any existing ideas you support. The product team regularly reviews this page to determine potential new features and improvements, so utilizing this page is a great way to have your suggestions heard directly.

Thanks so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoyed this deep dive into internal job transfers. For more details, check out the episode notes, which include links to the UKG Pro Transfer Employee Guides. Until next time, I’m Savannah and this was the Working Smarter Cafe. Bye.

[Outro Music]