Working Smarter Café Podcast

Two-Minute Tuesday Tip: Year-End Payroll Resource Pages


The Two-Minute Tuesday Tip shares a noteworthy tidbit of information in less time than it takes to brew your favorite cafe beverage. In this episode, you learn about helpful UKG resources for navigating year-end payroll. 

Year-End Payroll Resource Pages


Find more insights on the Working Smarter Cafe Blog.

This is Lauren Nawfel at the Working Smarter Café, and you’re listening to the Two-Minute Tuesday Tip. 

Today’s tip is about resources for Payroll year-end. 

But first, let me take a moment to pause and say thank you to all you payroll people out there for everything that you do. Thank you for always making sure the process is smooth and correct so that we all get paid accurately and on time. You are a workplace superhero! Thank you. 

Now that I’ve praised you and hopefully made you smile a little bit, on to the tip. UKG offers a number of resources to help you with year-end, and the Year-End Resource Page is one that you must know about. 

There’s one for Workforce Central, Dimensions, Ready, and Pro customers with resources tailored to your product and experience. 

The pages are great because they aggregate the resources we have for you altogether in one place. You can find important dates, planning guides, webinars, and more to help you navigate the process. 

As deadlines are quickly approaching, I thought this would a timely tip to share with anyone who might not know the resource pages exist.  

I’ve linked them in the show notes, so make sure to take a look there and check them out — I’ve also linked some helpful blog posts about the topic as well. The Year-End Resource pages do live in Community, so you’ll need to log in to see them. But blogs are, of course, open and available. 

Alright, that’s it. Happy holidays and happy year-end! I’m Lauren, and that’s your Two-Minute Tuesday Tip.